Cloud Cost Optimization

3 Strategies to Maximize Cloud Cost Savings

Episode Summary

On this episode of Cloud Cost Optimization, Nick and Jason discuss 3 actionable strategies for you to manage your cloud spend. First, companies must first clean up their environment and remove irrelevant hardware and software. They also go into detail on getting the most discount from cloud providers and why refactoring apps is a wise ongoing process to realize cost savings. HIGHLIGHTS Clean up the environment to uncover massive hidden savings Manage your discount programs to unlock 50% savings Refactor apps to take advantage of cost differences in the environment QUOTES Inspect and clean out EBS volumes - Jason: "This was one that sticks out in my head was $200,000 of additional spend per year in just EBS volumes that were not attached to any instance, that didn't have any relevant data, all it was was a process that the developers used when they were testing that wasn't configured properly. It wasn't set to delete the EBS volume on termination of these instances." Analyze cloud provider packages to pinpoint services you need Jason - "Commitments are procured based on utilization or spend. You're committing to something. So, without tools, it's difficult to predict what those things are going to be one or three years, which are typically the options you have, into the future." Optimization is not a one-and-done activity Nick: "It is a living, breathing animal therefore all the management and monitoring around not only security and visibility, but around cost as well as what savings instruments you're implementing. All need to be managed." Get to know our hosts in the links below: About Nick About Jason Get a free assessment and optimize your environment in:

Episode Notes

On this episode of Cloud Cost Optimization, Nick and Jason discuss 3 actionable strategies for you to manage your cloud spend. First, companies must first clean up their environment and remove irrelevant hardware and software. They also go into detail on getting the most discount from cloud providers and why refactoring apps is a wise ongoing process to realize cost savings.





Inspect and clean out EBS volumes - Jason: "This was one that sticks out in my head was $200,000 of additional spend per year in just EBS volumes that were not attached to any instance, that didn't have any relevant data, all it was was a process that the developers used when they were testing that wasn't configured properly. It wasn't set to delete the EBS volume on termination of these instances."

Analyze cloud provider packages to pinpoint services you need Jason - "Commitments are procured based on utilization or spend. You're committing to something. So, without tools, it's difficult to predict what those things are going to be one or three years, which are typically the options you have, into the future."

Optimization is not a one-and-done activity Nick: "It is a living, breathing animal therefore all the management and monitoring around not only security and visibility, but around cost as well as what savings instruments you're implementing. All need to be managed."


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