Cloud Cost Optimization

Clean Up Your Infrastructure to Cut Idle Costs

Episode Summary

On this episode of Cloud Cost Optimization, Nick and Jason discuss the basics of infrastructure cleanup and its significance in cloud cost optimization. They highlight the ease of use of cloud infrastructure and the accompanying difficulty of cleanup. They dig into why companies need to understand how their cloud infrastructures work and that cleanup is never a one-and-done deal. Companies that scale will always run into waste issues so it's best to get educated on your infrastructure and cut unnecessary costs. SHOW NOTES HIGHLIGHTS Cleaning up infrastructure waste isn't hard; finding them is Subscribe to services you only need and when you need them Consider the refactor stage before buying commitment-based discounts QUOTES Leaving up subscriptions is a common issue Jason: First step, I think, is just to recognize that you most likely have things out there that you're paying for that you shouldn't be, and two, that that's completely normal because one of the benefits of cloud is that you can spin things up and turn them down." "You could do testing. It's so many benefits that you wouldn't want to take that away, but one of the results, one of the byproducts of how easy it is to use, cloud infrastructure and services, is that a lot of those things get left up and, in a lot of cases, they shouldn't be." Only subscribe to services you need and at the right frequency Nick: "When we're in public cloud, those workloads now cost you money while they're just sitting there idle. What you really want to do is be shutting those down. You want to be getting rid of those. You want to be standing it up for the once-a-month that it's needed or the once-a-quarter." Get to know our hosts in the links below: About Nick About Jason Get a free assessment and optimize your environment in:

Episode Notes

On this episode of Cloud Cost Optimization, Nick and Jason discuss the basics of infrastructure cleanup and its significance in cloud cost optimization. They highlight the ease of use of cloud infrastructure and the accompanying difficulty of cleanup.

They dig into why companies need to understand how their cloud infrastructures work and that cleanup is never a one-and-done deal. Companies that scale will always run into waste issues so it's best to get educated on your infrastructure and cut unnecessary costs.





Leaving up subscriptions is a common issue Jason: First step, I think, is just to recognize that you most likely have things out there that you're paying for that you shouldn't be, and two, that that's completely normal because one of the benefits of cloud is that you can spin things up and turn them down." 

"You could do testing. It's so many benefits that you wouldn't want to take that away, but one of the results, one of the byproducts of how easy it is to use, cloud infrastructure and services, is that a lot of those things get left up and, in a lot of cases, they shouldn't be."

Only subscribe to services you need and at the right frequency Nick: "When we're in public cloud, those workloads now cost you money while they're just sitting there idle. What you really want to do is be shutting those down. You want to be getting rid of those. You want to be standing it up for the once-a-month that it's needed or the once-a-quarter." 


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